Veterinary Compounding
As a pet owner, you want your pet to receive the highest quality veterinary care. You want them to have treatment as sophisticated and compassionate as you might receive yourself. Today’s veterinarians realize that pet owners are very knowledgeable, and expect a more advanced level of care.
Why should you consider compounding as a solution for your pet’s medical problems? That can be answered with another question: how hard is it to get your cat to swallow a pill?
Just like their owners, animals are individual and unique. They come in different shapes and sizes, and may be sensitive to certain ingredients. As a result, not all commercially available medicines are appropriate for every pet. That’s where compounding is especially helpful. Your veterinarian can prescribe a flavored liquid, treat, or other dosage form with the amount of medication that is exactly right for your pet’s size and condition.
Dosage Forms for Pets and Exotics include:
- Chewable Medicated Treats
- Transdermal Gels/Creams
- Oral Suspensions, Solutions and Pastes with Animal Friendly Flavoring
- Capsules (Beef and Chicken flavors available)
- Topical Creams, Ointments, Lotions, Powders
- Rectal suppositories
- Iontophoretic formulations
- Otic Solutions and Insufflations
Many pets, due to their heightened sense of taste and smell, may not tolerate the bitterness of medicine and prefer something more appetizing. We use flavoring to make medications appealing to animals, such as tuna or caviar for cats, beef or peanut butter for dogs, fruit flavors for birds, and banana for exotics.
Others may need a dose that is not commercially available. We can customize strengths for animals of all shapes and sizes, from a 2 lb. kitten to a full grown elephant. Medications that have been discontinued by the manufacturer may still be available through compounding pharmacies.
Benefits of working with a compounding pharmacy include:
- Veterinarians can prescribe medication specific to their patient’s individual needs instead of only having access to standardized, commercially available dosages, strengths and forms.
- Patients may be less likely to experience side effects if their prescriptions can be tailored to their specific needs.
- Veterinarians can more easily fine tune or modify the dose as a patient’s needs change.
- Compounded prescriptions can be customized to different formulations that may be easier to administer. For example, if your pet has difficulty swallowing pills, the compounding pharmacist may be able to formulate the medication as a cream or gel.
- Prescriptions may be compounded for sensitive animals.
- Flavoring can make medication more palatable—when your pet enjoys the taste, it improves compliance
Mack Bayou Pharmacy can help make medicating your pet a TREAT!